Top 10 Things That Should Be In Your Practice Space
Mar 15, 2022
Top 10 Things That Should Be In Your Practice Space
When you sit down to practice, it is absolutely crucial that you have everything you need to get started right away. If you're taking time to find sheet music, grabbing a chair from the other room, looking for your Practice Log, trying to find a music stand, setting up speakers...that's just time you're wasting instead of practicing. You want to remove all hurdles that will be in your way. If you have to go looking for a chair, for example, you'll leave your space and be confronted with a bunch of things that will distract you. But, if you sit in your practice space and all your materials are right there, that'll make it easier for you to jump right in and start making progress.
Before I get to all that though, one very important point: you MUST have a dedicated Practice Space in your home! Even if it's a small corner of a room, a closet or a tiny little area in a basement or garage, you must claim this space as your dedicated Practice Space...your own little Fortress Of Solitude where you always have your instrument and all music-related materials set up and ready to go.
So what are the top ten things that should be in your practice space? Let me lay it on you. You may have to make a few purchases, but I promise you it'll be well worth it. You can find these items at your local music store. It's always good to support your local businesses. No music store near you? Then search these items online, and you'll find many places to purchase them from.
1. Your Instrument. Obviously. This includes any amplifier for electronic instruments. Here's something very, very important to remember: your instrument should ALWAYS be out of its case, on a stand and ready to rock! You could cover it with a light sheet to keep dust off it, but you'll still be able to see it. If you see your instrument, you'll be more likely to play your instrument. It will be calling you!
2. Instrument Stand. Your instrument isn't going to stand by itself!
3. Comfortable Chair. The more comfortable you are, the longer you'll want to practice. Try to get a chair without arm rests. You want to have a chair that's specifically used in your practice space and never leaves the area. Don't let anyone borrow your chair or take it away from your practice space. You'd better not use it to put your clothes on either!!
4. Music Stand. This can hold your sheet music, Practice Log or other important practice items. Yes, you want an actual music stand that is made specifically for playing and practicing music. Using your bed or your lap as a place to hold your materials ain't gonna cut it.
5. Practice Log. You need a Practice Log to write down all the things you are working on during your Practice Ritual. If you write down everything you are doing (exact pages and sections in books, tempos, scales you are practicing, songs you are learning, etc. ), then you will be able to always know what you are working on. This allows you to jump right in and pick up where you left off the day before, and you can keep track of your progress. A Practice Log is essential for making massive improvements in your playing. Taking notes of your progress is necessary for keeping track of your improvement.
6. Computer/Smart Phone/Tablet. This could act as your notepad where you write down ideas, this could act as your sheet music, you can play backing tracks from this, this could also act as your recording device, metronome and tuner...all in one. Make sure you turn off those alerts and messages, so you are not distracted while you are rocking!
7. Audio Speakers/Headphones. This is essential for playing along with recordings or learning songs by ear, which we call transcribing. These speakers can be portable bluetooth speakers, computer speakers or part of your stereo system. If you play an electronic instrument, headphones may be a great substitute, especially if your situation requires you to play at a quiet volume.
8. Instrument Bits and Essentials. Could be anything from separate tuners, metronomes, reeds, strings, mouthpieces, drum sticks, cleaning cloths, timer, pencils, etc. You want ALL these things within reach in your practice space.
9. Small Table. You need something to hold your devices, speakers, bits and essentials, right? A small bookshelf works as well.
10. Happiness. No really! Any little thing that inspires you. It could be a picture of some of your favorite musicians, a cute toy (but NOT something that will distract!), an inspiring saying you like or anything that will bring you happiness during your Practice Ritual.
...and that's it! If you have these things in your dedicated Practice Space, you will find yourself making improvement more quickly than people who don't. You'll save time, stay motivated, make progress and have fun!
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