What Our Members Are Saying About
Practice Warriors!
We can talk all day about the benefits of being a Practice Warrior, but why not hear it directly from folks who are already members? We hope you join our community of music lovers!

Gabe P.
“My Practice Warrior membership is hands down the absolute best resource for ingraining the most important component of becoming a better musician or artist - HOW to actually practice. In a world of so much (and often confusing) information on what and how you ”should” practice - the PW membership site distills everything that actually works and has been proven over decades of actual experience. I personally loved the MasterClass that addresses facing your fears, creating the right mindset and prepping your space amongst many others! Also, the interviews are incredibly valuable by seeing real world professional musicians sharing their story on how they started out just like anyone else. Christopher is the driver of a magical bus that demystifies the impossible for what your musical journey is capable of.. you just need to get on! And I’m so glad I did.”

Blake M.
“I am really enjoying the website. It is crazy how you can see the time and effort put into each and every video. It’s also super interesting to see the improvements I have made since becoming a member. Since new videos and interviews are added all the time, I am looking forward to see what is more to come from Practice Warriors.”

Allison V.
“Practice Warriors is both inspiring and motivational. Christopher Maloney generates enthusiasm in each lesson he presents! He encourages you to commit to becoming a better musician and makes practice on your instrument a positive experience with this innovative program.”

Chuck S.
“I have been attempting to learn and play guitar for nearly forty years. Until I started studying the Practice Warriors Masterclass videos I was never successful. Their methods, motivations and techniques will get you going and bring you to a place you want to be. All you have to do is just listen, follow and practice.”

Mark D.
“I have structured my practice time and am already reaping the benefits. It ultimately is on me to do the work, but Practice Warriors is laid it out beautifully and it is a super needed resource.”

Tony F.
“Practice Warriors is an innovative and motivational membership site that greatly assists music students in organizing their approach to learning a musical instrument. They enthusiastically provide you with a roadmap to follow as you progress through the masterclass and practice videos, as well as providing direction, ideas and tips to improve your musical abilities and skills. The site is fun and interactive while providing details and guidance of what students should be doing outside of their actual music lessons. I highly recommend Practice Warriors!”

Ann J.
“What an easy and great site. Not only informative but crazy entertaining by someone who has experience and knowledge and can play anything.”

Brent H.
“There are 1000’s of hours of material screaming at us aspiring musicians from every corner of the Internet. It’s easy to end up chasing your tail and wasting time with whatever is the loudest and most in your face on any particular day. Until now, there hasn’t been any resource that answers the most important question…“How Do I Reach My Desired Skill Level In the Most Efficient Way Possible?” Or, better yet… “How Do The Most Successful Musicians Practice?” Practice Warriors addresses all the common pitfalls that musicians encounter and helps you create a clear roadmap to substantial and measurable progress, and most importantly, a mindset to succeed.”

Merv. J
“Finally a comprehensive tool to provide guidance in the often overlooked art of how and what to practice. It’s highly motivational and will turbo-charge your musical development.”

Jonathan M.
"Practice Warriors helped me take my practice routine and hone it down to productive, efficient time with my instrument. It’s cool having all this great experience being shared by a professional musician who started out at the same level I'm at. Simply speaking, Practice Warriors gives you the tools you need to play like the pros."

Lynn W.
“One of them biggest takeaways I had from the Practice Warriors program was the section discussing how students give up because things are too hard. Your turnaround of ‘it’s easy or hard’ to ‘it’s familiar or unfamiliar' helped me to think about playing music in a whole different light. Not only am I more positive and willing to attack challenges with my music, but I also find I am approaching life’s challenges with so much less fear. What a gift!”

Matt. C
“The videos are extremely well presented and are the exact length to ensure that the student will stay engaged, comprehend the content and have the ability to achieve the goal of the video, which then leads to further refinement and advancement in the following videos. Also, having the the ability for students at different skill levels to pick and choose from the various categories of videos is of great significance. Fundamentally, this is a program where everything is in one place. I am sure that the interactive nature of the program will also help a musician to get specific answers to, and advice for, specific concerns. That makes the system adaptable, once the initial foundation is embraced by the student. The content being offered at such a reasonable price makes it well worth it.”-

Gary F.
"What I think is fantastic about Practice Warriors is that it guides us through our practice regimen and sets us up for success. I enjoy the process and see results! Love the Rockstar Q&A!”
Don C.
“Practice Warriors is very well done and full of valuable information, advice and tips. I wish I had Practice Warriors 70 years ago when I first started playing without anyone to help or to show me what to do. The practical tips and easy to follow explanations should help anyone who takes the course become more focused, better motivated and a better all around musician. I enjoyed listening to the artist interviews. It is interesting to hear their thoughts and experiences. It seems the people you interview each follow the basic rules and you are teaching in order to get to their level of excellence. They certainly validate the Practice Warrior philosophy. Thanks for producing Practice Warriors. I will continue to use it to become a better musician.”

Laurence G.
“My skills have been steadily improving since I became a Practice Warrior. I jumped right in, and it was the motivation I needed to crank up my practicing. Since starting the course, I practice nearly every day. The 20 minute minimum they recommend can easily become two hours; a luxury since I’m retired. My wife used to complain that I spent too much time on the computer, but now she complains that I spend too much time practicing. She’s extremely tolerant, fortunately! I’m by no means a BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughn, or Joe Bonamassa, but I’m practicing everyday and advancing my finger muscle memory, my speed, my accuracy and my understanding of theory. It’s been an invigorating experience, and has rekindled the passion I have for my instrument. It’s been an exciting journey of growth and rediscovery for me! Take those baby steps and relish those short gains that practice brings one by one.”

Haley B.
“Now that I have completed the Practice Warriors Masterclass, I find myself re-watching my favorite units to motivate myself to get back into my routine when I’m in a funk. Practice Warriors are experts at making it FUN to learn music!”

Errol M.
“Awesome site! The Masterclass gives a very precise path for improving your musicianship skills in a continuous manner. But the best thing is that these methods can be used to improve any skill, like sports, work, school, etc. The interviews are my favorite part. They are motivating, insightful and independently support the skills taught throughout the Masterclass.”

Greg K.
“Practice Warriors has made me restructure my practice time to add a clear focus in my continuing studies. You can't do something well without a plan, and Practice Warriors has shown me how to achieve my goals. Thanks PW!”

Dale T.
"There are many challenges every musician faces in their practicing. Motivation, plateaus, time management and more can derail your progress and the love you felt when you first picked up your instrument. The Practice Warrior program will help you eliminate all of those obstacles and keep you progressing towards your personal goals every day. AND IT IS FUN! I highly recommend it!”

Emily M.
“Practice Warriors has been such a valuable experience for me. My music, playing, singing, even drawing and other creative endeavors have benefited from PW. I view practice of all kinds differently now. I'm just seeing everything in my life as practice, and it makes it all a lot easier. Nothing is hard anymore, just unfamiliar until I practice it enough! And I love how this blends so well with my love of change. Everything, including me, is always changing. With practice, I can actually steer the direction of that change. PW has made me a better steward of my own life! It’s the real deal!!!”

Joe D.
“The Practice Warrior program is a great, fun and easy to follow program for all ages. And Christopher’s energy keeps you engaged and ready to learn. Set your goals, follow the plan and watch the progression!”

Ed B.
“After 40+ years of playing guitar, mostly as a professional, I hit a wall. I realized I needed help and I turned to Practice Warriors. They helped me discover what’s missing in my playing. It made a huge difference and made me a better guitarist after all these years. This is the beauty of being a member of Practice Warriors: it gives the beginner a solid foundation, provides many methods by which to improve for the intermediate musician, and it gives the advanced player inspiration and techniques to push further. Music should breathe and grow. Practice Warrior’s expertise on methods and perspectives, while keeping it fun, is your roadmap to playing awesome music.”

Zac W.
“Practice Warriors is a concept tried and proven true through the test of time. Having a program dedicated to helping you make practice time more attainable, efficient, and enjoyable is a must on anyone’s pathway to top-tier musicianship. Beyond the A-class lessons on practice techniques and methods, the membership give students the ability to glean insight from professional musicians who have made their careers via intentional practicing. In short, you can’t go wrong with Practice Warriors. Whether it’s applying the concepts to drums, bass, or anything else in your life that requires practice, you’ll find that this information is invaluable.”

Jeff R.
“Information on WHAT to practice is seemingly limitless, especially with the internet. Turns out it has little value in your progression as a musician unless you know HOW to practice. No, it isn’t some deep dark secret among skilled musicians but there really hasn’t been organized course on the subject. That is up until Practice Warriors. This is an incredibly thorough course where you have to be engaged, because that is how you have to practice - engaged. You will learn about barriers, mental and physical. You will learn how to choose and organize what you practice and on and on and on. No stone unturned is how I would describe this course. It will touch on any and all issues you are having with practice.”

Ed F.
“Practice Warriors has been a great experience for me to revisit and reinforce all of the practicing/learning techniques that I have used for myself and have taught my students to use over many years. Organized time frames with definite goals really works no matter what level of player you happen to be. There is always something to work on. There are always new challenges. New performances for which to prepare. New arrangements of familiar old tunes. Something unknown will suddenly present itself in this process. It has been laying there on the instrument since the time of it's inception just waiting for you to discover it and turn the unknown into the known. Practice Warriors helps you with all this…and more!”

Jim S.
“Practice Warriors has really taught me the importance of having structure in my practice routine. I feel I do a much better job of goal setting now that I have completed the program. Also, it was great to learn how to make sure I had all the necessary equipment readily available to practice efficiently. “ Jim S.

Julie M.
“Practice warriors is worth every penny. It teaches you skills that are so important not only for learning and playing a musical instrument but also for life. The website has a lot to offer with links and videos helping to guide a student to become a great musician. The learning course videos and worksheets are very helpful and informative. Christopher, the host, is entertaining and engaging making the student excited to learn. The Worksheets help the student deepen their understanding on the proper habits of practicing and to create goals along the way. Practice warriors is for all ages. Learn from the pros and get the most out of your music lessons by learning how to make a healthy practice ritual through Practice Warriors.” Julie M.

Mitch G.
“I just wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation for the PW program and curriculum and the multitude of ways that I have gained from it musically, and quite powerfully at that I might add. In just these past few months I have learned so much....most important of all a true strategy for maintaining a consistent practice track. I strongly believe in the mission such as you have laid it all out.” Mitch G.

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Are you ready to become the new musical you, learn how to practice like the pros and join this community of like-minded musicians striving to be their personal best? Just click on the link below and get started today. All you have to do...is begin!